Web Hosting features

ColdFusion Hosting by efree2net
  Linux Hosting
  Linux Hosting
  Linux Reseller
  Unlimited Wordpress Hosting
  Lifetime Unlimited Hosting
  Windows Web Hosting
  Free Web Hosting
  Beginner Hosting
  Free Domain Hosting
  Basic Hosting
  Silver Hosting
  Gold Hosting
  Platinum Hosting
  Advanced Hosting
  Coldfusion Hosting
  Unlimited Windows Hosting
  Unlimited Railo Hosting
  Windows Reseller Hosting
Basic Reseller
Silver Reseller
Gold Reseller
Unlimited Reseller
Free Basic Reseller Trial
  VPS Servers
  Windows VPS Server
  Linux VPS Server KVM
  Linux VPS Server OpenVZ 7
  Domain Registration
Register Domain
  eCommerce Solutions
Advanced eCommerce
Virtual Private Network VPN
  Company Info
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Data Centers & Networks
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Fri, July 26, 2024 View Cart: 0 Items  

Satisfaction Guaranteed
Your account will be setup in less than 24 hours when we receive your payment! Plus it's 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. 

If you're not completely satisfied, tell us within 30 days and we'll refund your fees paid. 
Advanced eCommerce
Hosting Features.
Web Hosting
  • www.yourname.com

  • 100MB of web space

  • 10 ODBC Connections

  • MS ODBC, MS Access, Excel

  • 10 FTP Accounts, 24 / 7 FTP Access

  • 10 Sub-level domains

  • No Setup Fee

  • 2 GB Data Transfer per month

  • Unlimited Email Accounts, Aliases and Auto-Responders

  • Web Based Email Access

  • Active Server Pages (.ASP)


  • ColdFusion Enterprise (.CFM), PHP4 / Zend (.PHP)

  • Your own CGI-BIN / Perl 5 (.CGI .PL)

  • Server Side Includes

  • Control Panel

  • MS SQL 7 Databases

  • Graphical Counters

  • Protected Directories

  • Custom Error Pages

  • Form Mail / Send-mail

  • Free Search Engine Submission

Online Shopping Cart, iStore v4.0
  • Full online catalog system
  • Shopping cart
  • Completely ColdFusion based without components, dll or exe files
  • Encrypt version
  • Support for MS Access or SQL Server
  • Tax and shipping cost calculation (UPS available soon)
  • Web based shop administration
  • User Order history reports
  • Printable user Order
  • E-mail order notifications and order updates
  • News Editor
  • Payment Methods, Paypal, Check/ Bank Transfer, Verza, Credit Card, ...
  • Users Area: Track and review orders, review details,...
  • iStore Online Demo

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