ColdFusion Hosting by efree2net
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Satisfaction Guaranteed
Your account will be setup in less than 24 hours when we receive your payment! Plus it's 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. 

If you're not completely satisfied, tell us within 30 days and we'll refund your fees paid. 
Basic Reseller
Hosting Features.
We provides private nameservers so that we remain 100% anonymous to your clients!
You bill your own clients, you set the prices and you make the plans.

  • 100GB of Disk Space
  • Unlimited ODBC Connections
  • Unlimited FTP Accounts, 24 / 7 FTP Access
  • 20 domains (top-level domains)
  • Unlimited sub-domains
  • No Setup Fee
  • 1000 GB data transfer per month
  • 10 MS SQL 2000
  • 20 MySQL Databases
  • MS ODBC, MS Access, Excel
  • Unlimited Email Accounts, Aliases, Auto-Responders and Mailing List
  • Web Based Email Access
  • Active Server Pages (.ASP)
  • ASP.NET 1, 2, 3 or 4
  • ColdFusion MX 7, Coldfusion 8(.CFM) or Coldfusion 9
  • PHP4 or PHP5 (.PHP)
  • CGI / ActivePerl 5 (.CGI .PL)
  • MS FrontPage 2002 Extensions
  • Server Side Includes (SSI)
  • Reseller Control Panel (Hosting controller)
  • Protected Directories
  • Custom Error Pages
  • Form Mail / Send-mail
  • Free 2 Months for Yearly Payment
  • Free AccountLab Plus billing solution for Web Hosting company
  • Free SwSoft SiteBuilder (worth 29.00 per year)

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